What do I eat with soft drinks?

Babul Hosen
2 min readOct 25, 2021
What do I eat with soft drinks?

How many words are written about the disadvantages of soft drinks. Even then, people can’t stop drinking soft drinks. There are numerous brands of soft drinks on the market. Although the taste and color are different, in fact each of them is made in the same formula. The only difference is the flavor of the drink.

What do we actually eat in the name of soft drinks? Once you see it with your eyes, you may never mention the name of a soft drink.

A video on what is in soft drinks was uploaded to YouTube in June 2014. The video shows what you usually eat in the name of a soft drink through a simple experiment. If you don’t believe, you can do the test yourself at home.

Pour one liter of soft drink in a pot that can be heated by water and put it in the oven to keep it burning. Gradually the drink will continue to boil. After a while, the liquid part of the soft drink evaporates and only a kind of liquid sticking to the black thaktha will remain below.

This substance is nothing but caramelized sugar in soft drinks and used dyes. You are eating this sugar and color as a hobby every day, bottle after bottle. There are many other harmful elements. Now decide for yourself whether to eat soft drinks or not



Babul Hosen

No one can stop you once you have to decided grow up.